Author Archives: admin

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – Sept. 30th, 2022

Today we honour the survivors of the residential school system. We want to thank everyone that has supported the free distribution. It is greatly appreciated. We are still accepting requests for free copies and invite all Canadians to participate in … Continue reading

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March 2022

Amazing I haven’t posted a blog since 2014. A is for Aboriginal has been in continuous publication since 2013 and is in its third printing. When I first published the book and  I approached a number an inner city schools … Continue reading

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International News!

I am writing from the beautiful seaside village of Kep in Cambodia on the Gulf of Thailand. I have been visiting the mountainous province of Kampot and have been offline most of the time. Good to disconnect for awhile but … Continue reading

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Books with no Bounds – an inspiration

I was googling around and I came across the story of two sisters (Julia and Emma Mogus) who co-founded ‘Books with no Bounds’ who have shipped thousands of books to remote First Nations communities as their way of promoting literacy. The … Continue reading

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The story thus far

My intention with this blog was to share the adventure as a first time self-published author. Not ever having blogged before I think I made the most basic beginners mistake. Made a couple of postings and then stopped. Well, it … Continue reading

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Almost 3000 requests

Well, am continuing with the Buy One –  Donate One project – now have 2,927 requests for the free distribution and I expect that to climb once word of the program spreads. My research has provided different numbers but it … Continue reading

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Every stick has two ends – an author’s blog

Finally published A is for Aborginal in early December 2013. A tad late for the Christmas market but it was great to actually have it in hand and in the world. I have decided to blog my experience as a … Continue reading

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