Amazing I haven’t posted a blog since 2014. A is for Aboriginal has been in continuous publication since 2013 and is in its third printing. When I first published the book and I approached a number an inner city schools and offered them the book as a fund-raiser they said, ‘As if our parents could afford a new hard-cover book”‘
That led me to create my first free distribution program – Buy One Donate One and although there was far greater demand for free copies (over 3000 copies) than I was able to deliver I did deliver about $5000 worth of books.

Last year when they uncovered the unmarked graves at a number of sites of former residential schools I decided I had to do something and so I have published a Reconciliation Edition and am making it available for only six dollars. By making it very affordable I believe that this will help readers come to understand more about the rich fabric of Indigenous art, history and culture.
I invite you to purchase copies and either give them away or have us distribute them to our list of folks that have requested free copies.