Reconciliation Edition – Free distribution of A is for Aboriginal …
The recent discovery of shallow, unmarked graves near a number of residential schools in Canada has once again shown Canadians and the world that the path to reconciliation is going to be a long and arduous one.
In support of the TRC calls to action the author is producing a special ‘Reconciliation’ edition and is making this edition of A is for Aboriginal available for six dollars (Retail $29.95) for a new free distribution program. Individuals, companies, governments, organizations can purchase copies and distribute them in their communities or they can connect with the growing list of registrants requesting free copies. We have requests for over 3000 to date.
To fund this edition I am going to launch a Kickstarter Campaign and campaigns that reach 50% of their goal within 48-72 hours have the highest success rate. This pre-booking survey will enable me to choose the best time to launch. Thank you.
Part of the path forward is for all Canadians to learn more about our First Peoples: The First Nations, the Inuit and the Métis. Many Canadians do not realize that there are over 600 First Nations in Canada and over 70 distinct Indigenous languages – more than the number of official languages in the EU.
Leaning about the rich fabric of Indigenous history, art and culture can be part of the solution, as Chief Justice Murray Sinclair said:
“Education, delivered through residential schools, was the tool for assimilation. It was education that helped to perpetuate the situation we see today for Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
We at the TRC believe that it will be education, again, that will be the tool that best addresses all of that, for education will create knowledge and from knowledge will come understanding. From understanding will come respect – both self respect for Indigenous people and mutual respect for all.”
Chief Justice Murray Sinclair
Chair of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission