Corporate Program

The Free Distribution Corporate Program was created to support the goal of delivering 20,000 copies of A is for Aboriginal to schools, Aboriginal communities and community partners across Canada.

Under the Corporate Program the sponsor can either choose one or more community partners or distribute the books themselves.

poverty rates for children

Canadian Child Poverty Rates

Why? Over 20% of BC children live in poverty.  While that is startling what is even more so is that 50% of status First Nations children live in poverty and between 50 and 65% of children living on Vancouver’s Eastside share the same fate

According to the United Nations, First Nations children in western countries live in Third World conditions, with an estimated 80% of urban Aboriginal children under the age of 6 living in poverty. 4 The number of Aboriginal children involved with the child welfare system across Canada is also growing, and it rose by 71.5% between 1995 and 2001

These children/families rarely have the luxury of owning a new, full colour, illustrated book of their own.

We invite companies and organizations to choose from one of the distribution options below. To make this affordable for corporate donors we are offering a 60%-80% discount from the retail price. ($24.95).


I would like to donate 100 copies